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2020-06-30 19:25:06 +08:00
回复了 mokeyjay 创建的主题 云计算 阿里云国际版新手套餐(一键包)3.0 来了
还有一个骚操作,2.0 流量包现在可以直接拉到 100M 了,当然也就到期前这几天时间。

另外,大佬们,cn2gia 还有啥推荐的?
2020-06-30 19:16:24 +08:00
回复了 mokeyjay 创建的主题 云计算 阿里云国际版新手套餐(一键包)3.0 来了
3.0 线路不好,不考虑的话。2.0 基本上是原地后空翻涨价 3 倍,还不带流量。按流量计费不太敢用,随便刷你几 T 你就破产了。

选择 1:腾讯云,1 核 1GB,竞价实例,50 每月,流量 0.8 人民币 /GB (没余额两小时停流量,不怕刷爆)。
选择 2:办个信用卡撸 GCP 去了
2020-06-30 19:07:05 +08:00
回复了 mokeyjay 创建的主题 云计算 阿里云国际版新手套餐(一键包)3.0 来了
原 2.0 版:自动续费的话会给你换成 ECS,6.710 刀( 1 vCPU,512 MB RAM ),不送流量包,流量另算,价格 0.081 刀 /GB 。

2020-06-30 18:36:23 +08:00
回复了 mokeyjay 创建的主题 云计算 阿里云国际版新手套餐(一键包)3.0 来了
Alibaba Cloud Starter Package Version 2.0 Will No Longer Be Available from June 30, 2020

Dear Customer:

Starter Package Version 2.0 will be taken offline starting from June 30, 2020. All existing renewal discounts will no longer be applicable as stated in the Terms and Conditions. Please pay close attention to this notice as you are using ECS instance(s) from Starter Package Version 2.0. (If you no longer have instances from Starter Package Version 2.0, please ignore this notice.)

When Will Starter Package Version 2.0 Be Taken Offline?

10:00 AM on June 30, 2020 (UTC+8).

What Should I Do If I Want to Continue Using Alibaba Cloud?

Here are three recommended solutions that you can choose from according to your actual situation and needs.

Option 1: Temporarily stop renewing existing instances by selecting Nonrenewal manually. After June 30, 2020, you can update your preferred settings (e.g. 1Mbps fixed bandwidth) on your next renewal.

Option 2: Stop your current instances and replace them with Simple Application Server (SAS). SAS offers affordable servers with data transfers plans, starting from $3.40/month. Each user can purchase up to 20 instances. For details, please see here.

Option 3: Keep using your current instances and settings at standard list price after renewal (excluding Data Transfers Plan). See here for pricing.

How Can I Find My Starter Package 2.0 Instance(s)?

All of your Starter Package instance IDs will be listed here under "Manual / Auto / Nonrenewal" tabs.

What Will Happen to My Current Instance(s) from June 30, 2020?

1. Will there be any discounts when I renew my Starter Package Version 2.0 ECS instance?

You will no longer receive any renewal discounts once it is taken offline.

2. Can I get a Data Transfer Plan when I renew my Starter Package Version 2.0 ECS instance?

No, you cannot get any additional Data Transfer Plan for existing Starter Package Version 2.0 instances once it is taken offline.

3. What happens if I renew the ECS instance after Version 2.0 is taken offline?

You will be charged based on the standard list price of your configured ECS instance as listed here (excluding Data Transfer Plan).

Note: Certain ECS instances can only be renewed separately after expiration. If you renew these instances before expiration, you will be charged with the Data Transfer Plan at the list price as well.

4. What if my Starter Package Version 2.0 ECS instance(s) gets renewed automatically?

You will also be charged at the standard list price. If you do not wish to renew your Version 2.0 instances, please set them to "Nonrenewal" through the console.

5. Are there any limitations on bandwidth and instance(s) upgrade after Version 2.0 is taken offline?

There are no limitations. Your Starter Package Version 2.0 instance will become a regular ECS instance, which can be configured to your preferred bandwidth settings and can be upgraded or downgraded based on your requirements.

Note: Certain ECS instances can only perform the above operations after expiration.

Thank you for your understanding and your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us or your account manager.

Alibaba Cloud
另外,楼上冷嘲热讽什么意思。youtube 的话,vp9 编码 a 卡全家都不如一个 GT 1030,实事求是,解码方面 a 就是不行。
AMD 显卡对视频的硬件解码确实比较弱一些。详见: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/79815588

B 站是 h.264 吧,Firefox 有一个强制硬解的选项,rx570 开了之后 4k 不卡了。chrome 不知道。
2020-05-16 12:48:08 +08:00
回复了 neteroster 创建的主题 全球工单系统 Bilibili,能不能改进一下播放体验?
看来大家都是这样。我还以为我的 DNS 有问题。
2020-04-30 00:14:36 +08:00
回复了 vicalloy 创建的主题 分享创造 基于 Django 开发的流程引擎平台
将 Carrot Box 跑起来:
make init-pyenv
make init
make run

大佬,这点命令是什么意思啊,不是 python manage.py runserver ?
2020-04-27 12:54:05 +08:00
回复了 iDontEatCookie 创建的主题 程序员 刷过一千道算法题,但是看不懂 Vue 源码。
我还没学会 vue 怎么用
2020-04-25 00:20:09 +08:00
回复了 Rcnaec 创建的主题 哔哩哔哩 B 站支持 4K 了,全站支持。
@mason961125 是我搞错了,把连接速度当成码率了😂
2020-04-24 00:37:46 +08:00
回复了 Rcnaec 创建的主题 哔哩哔哩 B 站支持 4K 了,全站支持。
2020-04-24 00:37:20 +08:00
回复了 Rcnaec 创建的主题 哔哩哔哩 B 站支持 4K 了,全站支持。
楼上确定看的是 4k ?我看的怎么是 20M 的码率
2020-04-20 23:56:53 +08:00
回复了 wondering 创建的主题 优惠信息 最近看见开车软路由的, 3865u 分享一下吧,
2020-04-17 00:09:11 +08:00
回复了 iPhone11 创建的主题 云计算 今天腾讯云电话告知网站不能有大图和视频?????
2020-04-13 00:20:27 +08:00
回复了 idealclover 创建的主题 浏览器 Chrome、Firefox 和 new Edge 哪个更好用一点
桌面推荐 Firefox 。安卓推荐 chrome 。
2020-04-08 18:27:37 +08:00
回复了 jaslip 创建的主题 问与答 pc 有没必要上 32g 内存?
有 Adobe 需求,上了肯定好。
没有的话,16 基本没占满过(我自己用的情况)。
长期来看,选 lpr 把。
2020-04-08 17:58:46 +08:00
回复了 bzw875 创建的主题 上海 老婆想换房,要贷款一百万我怂了
2020-04-08 09:42:03 +08:00
回复了 noisay 创建的主题 职场话题 银行好没意思啊,想回互联网了
等等 AMD
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