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后 4 条技能我觉得写不写差别不大
2021-07-18 20:20:11 +08:00
回复了 evilStart 创建的主题 Python Nodejs 之后, Python 在 Web 开发领域还有啥优势么?
要论复杂逻辑 python 不比 java 差.
java 火有几个原因,1 人多便宜好找 2 高人多因为用的公司多 3 docker 时代语言不重要了,以前的 PaaS 很少支持 java 的在 docker 之前那时 14,15 年很多创业的用 python
2021-07-18 20:18:09 +08:00
回复了 evilStart 创建的主题 Python Nodejs 之后, Python 在 Web 开发领域还有啥优势么?
@Vegetable Tibco 前三甲还是半死不活? 力压了 c++和当年为了代替 c++而发明的 c#.现在什么正红?难道是 golang?忘记当年 node.js 红火了?
python 上手快,java 太重
2019-05-10 14:20:53 +08:00
回复了 June0022 创建的主题 酷工作 [美国通用电气医疗集团] 北京研发团队诚招 [C++软件工程师]
给楼主善意提个醒,你家 c++笔试题 5 年都不带变的
@fffsy1 headcount 多在 1 月-5 月,9 月-12 月之间。

这是为何?第一波试用期没过,9 月加人?
2019-05-09 17:37:16 +08:00
回复了 jxf2008 创建的主题 程序员 该学啥?
@gramyang 这是小白看法
2019-05-09 17:36:18 +08:00
回复了 jxf2008 创建的主题 程序员 该学啥?
你学 java 吧,你机械出身,什么高并发服务器,图像处理,不要搞了.
学 java 搞搞商业逻辑

世界上很多赚钱路,你不用走 c++
2019-05-08 16:53:55 +08:00
回复了 better2man 创建的主题 C# .NET/C#的开发新人是不是越来越少了??
Long story short, you will find essentially no start-ups and small, trendy companies using .NET. The entire framework is more or less moribund. That ’ s not to say there aren ’ t jobs available for .NET developers. In fact, there are TONS of jobs, because the major conglomerates that use .NET vacuum up talent like whoa.

If you are alright with a non-sexy, lower-paying job at a major conglomerate, .NET is a very safe toolset to learn. If you are aiming for sexy jobs at start-ups or pay in excess of $125k/year, learn something else. Python, Go, JavaScript/Node, and even lesser-known languages like Haskell, Clojure, and Scala are much more likely to net you exciting, high-paying jobs.
Long story short, you will find essentially no start-ups and small, trendy companies using .NET. The entire framework is more or less moribund. That ’ s not to say there aren ’ t jobs available for .NET developers. In fact, there are TONS of jobs, because the major conglomerates that use .NET vacuum up talent like whoa.

If you are alright with a non-sexy, lower-paying job at a major conglomerate, .NET is a very safe toolset to learn. If you are aiming for sexy jobs at start-ups or pay in excess of $125k/year, learn something else. Python, Go, JavaScript/Node, and even lesser-known languages like Haskell, Clojure, and Scala are much more likely to net you exciting, high-paying jobs.
纯 net 一个月 9K 你去么
是的,很多会点儿前端的 neter 都转 python web 开发了,好歹不会继续绑死在 MS
2019-05-08 11:00:52 +08:00
回复了 aldorado 创建的主题 知乎 如何评价 oracle 中国区研发中心(cdc)裁员?
@formulahendry 你软 N 还是 n?
2017-10-18 09:29:38 +08:00
回复了 sunyixiang 创建的主题 DNS DNS 被解析的乱七八糟,什么情况?
学 java 你就能看懂安卓的开发代码了,岂不是移动上面更上一层楼
@mcfog +1 自己做的客户端工程师比会 iOS+一门后端(浅显)的竞争力更强点
2017-08-04 07:31:33 +08:00
回复了 glouhao 创建的主题 Python scrapy 这个爬虫框架 有什么快速上手的方法么 适合 Python 新手么
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