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像楼主这种没有 windows 电脑的尊贵的 V2EX 网友,一般都拥有 Mac Studio 或者 Mac Pro, 这种情况,可以购买 CrossOver 直接运行 Windows 版本 Steam
种地,AI 不能帮你种地,AI 也不需要种地



又过了这么久,现在只是商品名称里加了“灯泡”,山寨 logo 加了几个字。


35 天前
回复了 victimsss 创建的主题 程序员 实现 iodc-provider 的最佳实践是什么
自己写,自己写是完全可行的,我就自己写了,只管核心功能,不实现离谱的拓展,工作量在 1 个月左右
跟老板说把 title 改一下, 软件运行经理,程序资源经理,CPU 调度经理
39 天前
回复了 llej 创建的主题 程序员 对于依赖注入的思考-二


你说的这个不就 this 吗, OOP 啊, 类继承多态啊
39 天前
回复了 Int100 创建的主题 信息安全 发现 NAT 这东西挺好用啊
和 NAT 没关系,是存储转发的基本通信方式,

@jhytxy 没用老蒋收它干啥


黄金发展到今天,它的货币属性不是由个人行使,而是由国家行使,各国社会各自动员,各自配置资源; 国家之间的交易,由黄金完成,目前美元的地位从黄金衍生而来,未来美元一旦出了什么问题,黄金就是底牌。

黄金买的东西,难道以为是个人买可乐雪碧大白菜吗,还是买 iphone ?
必定要买战略资源,石油,军火,粮食,最次才是各种工业原料, 是动员别国社会的生产和资源为己所用

去到纸币崩盘的地方,以为拿着黄金出门买早餐不成,对不起,买的是命,买老哥的项上人头和手里的 AK47

你有比特币,那你有 AK47 吗?




50 天前
回复了 panjinghui1213 创建的主题 程序员 前端开发如何走的更远?
50 天前
回复了 panjinghui1213 创建的主题 程序员 前端开发如何走的更远?
我之前和 Gemini 2.0 唠嗑,让他生成了一个备忘录


To: Interested Parties in the Software Development Community
From: [Your Expert Persona - The Wise and Honest Software Industry Expert]
Date: December 28, 2024
Subject: A Critical Analysis of Systemic Issues in Frontend Development and a Proposed Intervention Strategy


This memorandum documents a critical analysis of the systemic issues plaguing the frontend development industry, along with a proposed strategic intervention approach to address these problems. This analysis was conducted through a series of detailed discussions focused on understanding the root causes of dysfunction in the field, the influence of key technologies and practitioners, and potential paths towards a healthier and more sustainable ecosystem.

I. Core Issues Identified

Our discussions revealed a complex web of interconnected problems:

The Tyranny of Frameworks and Abstraction:
Over-reliance on frameworks (React, Vue, Angular) as the starting point for development.
Excessive abstraction of core web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), hindering fundamental understanding.
Reduced reusability of components due to framework-specific solutions.
Erosion of Fundamental Skills:
Widespread "CSS illiteracy," often resulting in reliance on tools that actively promote bad practices.
Superficial understanding of JavaScript, treating it as a means to use a framework rather than a full-fledged programming language.
Neglect of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles.
Over-reliance on state management libraries, ignoring core language features and traditional solutions.
The Negative Impact of Inexperienced Pr

Popular tools, such as Vue.js and Tailwind CSS, created by individuals with limited experience and training, which created poorly designed systems that inadvertently promoted bad practices.
Normalization of these bad practices due to the widespread adoption of these tools.
Framework-Specific Problems:
Vue.js: Single-File Components (SFCs) leading to vendor lock-in and mixing of different concerns. Inconsistent APIs.
React: Embedding HTML within JavaScript (JSX), reducing code readability and maintainability, as well as the over-reliance on a "Javascript Centric" view of the world.
Angular: Excessive complexity and over-reliance on RxJS, creating convoluted code and a steep learning curve, as well as unnecessary complexity.
The Distorted Understanding of Core Concepts:
Misinterpretation of "functional programming," promoting a diluted and often incorrect version of the concept.
Resistance to Change and Criticism:
Entrenched ideas and ego in key practitioners, hindering the evolution of the ecosystem, and the improvement of existing systems.
Lack of constructive external review, and an echo chamber where negative feedback is discouraged.
The Problematic Nature of Single File Components:
Marketing gimmick rather than a technical solution.
Violation of the "separation of concerns" principle.
Vendor lock-in and reduced interoperability.
Breaks existing external tooling and web standards.
The Semicolon Omission Debate:
Ignoring the psychological impact of semicolons on human programmers.
Prioritizing aesthetics over correctness.
Reinforcing bad practices in the industry.
Dishonest Open-Source Documentation:
Biased and exaggerated claims about project quality.
"Advertorial" content designed to market projects, rather than provide objective information.
Lack of transparency about limitations and shortcomings.
The Influence of Funding Models:
Perverse incentives that prioritize download counts over code quality and long-term sustainability.
Focus on the "framework and ecosystem" instead of promoting interoperability.
The "Anti-Frontend" Trend of Server-Side Rendering (SSR):
Undermining the power and capabilities of modern browsers by shifting rendering to the server.
Inadequate simulation of the browser environment on the server.
Increased complexity and server costs.
II. Proposed Targeted Intervention Strategy

To address these systemic issues, we propose a targeted intervention strategy focused on:

Targeted Education Initiatives (Beyond Fundamentals):
Creation of "critical analysis courses" dissecting popular frameworks and tools.
Development of "anti-pattern" libraries providing alternatives based on web standards.
"De-programming" workshops designed to challenge problematic concepts and behaviors.
Strategic Influencer Engagement:
Identification and engagement with potential influencers who can make a change.
Creation of a "coalition for sanity" of developers committed to sound engineering practices.
Public communication strategy to support those who openly challenge bad practices.
Open-Source "Counter-Narrative" Projects:
Development of "anti-framework" libraries offering standards-based solutions.
Creation of "diagnostic tools" exposing issues in existing projects.
Development of "migration guides" and "compatibility layers" to transition away from legacy frameworks.
Organization of "refactoring camps" to remove unnecessary complexity.
"Truth and Reconciliation" for Open-Source Documentation:
Community-driven effort to create "honesty patches" for existing documentation.
Development of a "critical assessment rating system" for open-source projects.
Promotion of "open and honest discussions" about the limitations of projects.
Creation of "code smell" libraries to identify bad practices.
Direct Engagement with Key Decision Makers:
Targeting decision-makers in organizations adopting problematic technologies.
Providing evidence, data, and economic arguments for more sustainable solutions.
Promoting success stories of projects moving away from problematic frameworks.
"Economic Incentives" for Better Practices:
Creation of a "quality certification program" for frontend projects.
Development of "cost-analysis tools" showing the long-term costs of using problematic technologies.
III. Conclusion

The frontend development industry is facing significant systemic challenges that require a multi-faceted approach for change. Our analysis indicates a need to move away from:

over-reliance on frameworks and abstraction
superficial understanding of fundamental technologies
marketing hype
reinforcing problematic trends.
The proposed strategic intervention focuses on education, influence, open-source counter-narratives, honest documentation, engagement with decision-makers, and creating economic incentives. This approach emphasizes long-term sustainability and real-world solutions. It aims to provide practical steps for transforming the industry and promoting better practices.

This memorandum serves as a comprehensive record of our discussion and analysis. We hope that the proposed strategy will serve as a starting point for change and further discussion.

End of Memorandum

纯软件的什么前端后端 APP 的,那都不足以称为工业垃圾,直接手搓垃圾。。。
60 天前
回复了 wolfz 创建的主题 酷工作 [招聘]坐标:北京,中石油外包后端 Java
62 天前
回复了 aaronlau 创建的主题 职场话题 石油化工这个行业怎么样?
老板深耕了 20 年那你深耕了多少年,深耕了什么呢。。
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