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2019-05-26 16:36:27 +08:00
回复了 snake8090 创建的主题 问与答 为什么一提到编程语言中文化,就有那么多人反对呢?
我对于这事的逻辑比较简单,只要 Python 不禁掉 utf-8 编码支持,那么中文编程就永远有人去做;不仅是中文编程有人去做,还有日语编程、韩语编程、俄语编程;你爱咋想咋想,爱怎么自己回避就怎么会回避、爱让其自生自灭就让其自生自灭,但是如果你把这些人杀了那么你要去坐牢、如果你把 Python,如果你用你的自由发言表达来促使它灭亡,那么别人可以自由发言说 诶 “用英文还用出优越感来了”

Python 社区于 2019 年 2 月选出的五人指导委员会:

Barry Warsaw
Brett Cannon
Carol Willing
Guido van Rossum
Nick Coghlan

他们没有将 “仅允许基本拉丁字母编程” 放入 python 语言特性,那么,我觉得,是有一定道理的

另外,看看 中蟒

載入 系統
文件名 = 系統.參數[1:]

定義 修正行尾(文件):
內文 = 打開(文件名).讀入()
內文 = 內文.替換('\n\r','\n')
傳回 內文

取 文件 自 文件名:
寫 修正行尾(文件)


Based on non-English languages

Aheui; 아희 – An esoteric programming language similar to Befunge but using Hangul (Korean)[4]
AMMORIA – Open source object oriented Arabic programming language, designed especially for Arabs.[5]
Аналитик – A Russian-based language for symbolic manipulations with algebraic expressions used in the Soviet series of MIR computers.[6]
Эль-76 – A Russian-based language for symbolic manipulations with algebraic expressions used in the Soviet series of МВК Эльбрус computers.[7]
ARLOGO – The first open-source Arabic programming language, based on the UCB Logo interpreter.
AxumLight / Geez# – Amharic-based programming languages on the .NET platform[8]
丙正正 – Chinese C++.
BAIK – C with Indonesian keywords[9]
BASICOIS - BASIC with French keywords[10]
Bato – A scripting language based on the Filipino language (Tagalog). The first Filipino programming language.
Changjo – A language using Hangul (Korean). It is used for multimedia and game programming.
ChaScript – A scripting language based on Bengali and is first of its kind. It is built using ECMAscript grammar.[11][12]
Chinese BASIC – Chinese-localized BASIC dialects based on Applesoft BASIC; for Taiwanese Apple II clones and the Multitech Microprofessor II.
Chinese Python – a version of Python localized to Chinese.[13]
Dolittle, ドリトル – A Japanese programming language developed for educational purposes.[14]
DRAKON — A visual language in which any language may be used.
Drama [nl] – An assembly language for didactical purposes based on Dutch.
Dzintars – Ruby translated into Latvian; claims to be the first Latvian programming language.
Easy Programming Language (易语言) – A Chinese rapid application development language.
Ebda3 – A multi-paradigm high-level Arabic programming language.
Enkelt – A programming language that uses a Swedish syntax.
எழில், Ezhil programming language – A Tamil programming language developed for educational purposes.[15]
farsinet – A Persian (Farsi, فارسی, پارسی) object-oriented programming language for .NET framework. It is similar to C# and Delphi.
Fjölnir – An Icelandic imperative programming language of the 1980s.
FOCAL – Keywords were originally in English, but DEC produced versions of FOCAL in several European languages.
4th Dimension – On local versions, its internal language uses French or German keywords.
G-Portugol – A programming language with Portuguese keywords.[16]
GarGar – A Spanish procedural programming language based on Pascal for learning purposes.[17]
ΓΛΩΣΣΑ – A Greek programming language based on Pascal that is used for teaching purposes in secondary education.[18]
GOTO++ – A French esoteric programming language loosely based on French and English.[19]
ひまわり (プログラミング言語) [ja] ひまわり – Sunflower, a Japanese programming language.[20] It is used for hobby and business applications.
Hindawi Programming System – A set of variants of C, C++, lex, yacc, assembly, BASIC, Logo and Ada, in Bengali, Gujarati and Hindi.
Hindi Programming Language – A Hindi programming language for the .NET Framework.[21]
hForth – A Forth system with an optional Korean keyword set.[22]
Jeem ج – An Arabic programming language, based on C++ with simple graphics implementation.[1]
kalimat – An Arabic programming language that aims to help Arab children learn about programming.
Karel – An educational programming language with Czech and Slovak versions.
Kotodama on Squeak, ことだま on Squeak – A Japanese programming language based on Squeak for educational purposes.[23]
Kumir [ru] – A Russian-based programming language similar to Pascal and IDE, mainly intended for educational usage in schools. The name is an acronym, which means Комплект ученический 'Мир' ('Mir' student's environment).
Latino – A language with a completely Spanish-based syntax ( https://github.com/primitivorm/latino).
Linotte – A French programming language.
Logo – In one of its Apple II editions, it was available in French. LOGO for the Commodore 64 had an Italian localization.
Loughaty (MyProLang) – A general-purpose natural Arabic programming language based on a proprietary syntax.[24]
Lusus – A Latin programming language. It is the first programming language to be exclusively in Latin.[25]
LSE (Language Symbolique d'Enseignement) – a French, pedagogical, programming language designed in the 1970s at the École Supérieure d'Électricité. A kind of BASIC, but with procedures, functions, and local variables, like in Pascal.
Mama – An educational programming language and development environment, designed to help young students start programming by building 3D animations and games. It is currently available in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, and Chinese.
Mind – A Japanese programming language.[26] It is used for hobby and business applications.
MS Word and MS Excel – Their macro languages used to be localized in non-English languages.
ML4 – A language for client/server database programming, with keywords in English or German.[27]
Nadesiko, なでしこ – A Japanese programming language.[28][29]
1C:Enterprise – A Russian framework and language for business applications. English keywords can also be used.
Pauscal [es] – A language with a completely Spanish-based syntax; compiler for 32-bit Windows.
Lingua::Romana::Perligata – Alternative Syntax for Perl 5 that allows programming in Latin.
Phoenix – A C-like high-level imperative procedural Arabic programming language.[30]
potigol – A functional programming language in Portuguese for beginners.
PSeInt – A pseudocode interpreter for Spanish, like Pauscal, with a completely Spanish-based syntax. PSeInt is an abbreviation for Pseudocode Interpreter.
قلب (qlb) – An Arabic Scheme-like programming language exploring the role of human culture in coding.[31]
Qriollo – An impure strict functional programming language that compiles to C, Python and JVM Bytecode, with keywords in Rioplatense Spanish, spoken in Buenos Aires.[32]
Produire, プロデル – An object-oriented Japanese programming language.[33] It is used for hobby and business applications.
Rapira – A Russian-based interpreted procedural programming language with strong dynamic type system.
Robik [ru] – A simple Russian-based programming language for teaching basics of programming to children.
RoboMind – An educational programming language available in Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.
SAKO – A language created in the 1950s and nicknamed the "Polish Fortran".
Scratch – An introductory visual programming language from MIT's Media Lab with support for programming in multiple languages included as standard.
Sema – An Arabic CSS implementation.[34]
Sí – A direct translation pseudo-language for coding in C and C++ with Spanish keywords.[35]
Simorgh (SPL) سیمرغ – An object-oriented, general-purpose, interpreted and precompiled, portable and open-source programming language.
Ssiat – A language using Hangul (Korean). The name Ssiat (씨앗) means "seed" in Korean.
Swaram – A simple, general-purpose and procedural language designed for programming in Tamil.[36]
Superlogo – A Dutch creation for computer-aided instruction, based on Logo.
TamliLogo – A Hebrew implementation of Logo.
TECO - The programming language used to drive the actions of the TECO text editor. The MIT dialect of this language was used to program early versions of Emacs before its 1985 rewrite in Emacs Lisp.
TI-Calculator BASIC – The 68000 version is localized. Unfortunately, various configuration strings are localized too, preventing direct binary compatibility.
TTSneo[2] – A Japanese programming language. It is used for hobby applications.
VisuAlg – A language designed to teach programming, in Portuguese, based in Pascal.
W-Language – A French programming language used in the WinDev CASE Tool. A Chinese version[37] is also available.
YMB (Yazyk mashin buchgalterskih) – ЯМБ (язык машин бухгалтерских) (machine language for accounting) – A Russian programming language for Iskra-554, Iskra-555, and Neva computers.
Yorlang – A Yorùbá programming language built on top of Node.js.[38]
ZhPy – A full-featured Python module which converts Chinese keywords, variables, and parameters.

2019-05-26 13:45:36 +08:00
回复了 snake8090 创建的主题 问与答 为什么一提到编程语言中文化,就有那么多人反对呢?

来,你 NB 请你填个词 @qinxi
2019-05-26 02:07:00 +08:00
回复了 Jie0zero 创建的主题 职场话题 普通二本科班毕业一年的前端,还要不要考研?
去考网络工程师,在网络工程这一行工作到 50 岁的时候来感谢我

把有风险的事让给别人去做,有风险的钱 给别人去赚

我之前的文章,可以见得我的发言,未必无懈可击,至少是经过思考的。你应该去思考什么是你认为的 “万般皆下品 唯有 xx 高”

我认为 (我的) 思考结果在(我) 50 岁的时候依然会(对我)有效
2019-05-26 01:58:35 +08:00
回复了 snake8090 创建的主题 问与答 为什么一提到编程语言中文化,就有那么多人反对呢?
2019-05-25 14:20:54 +08:00
回复了 lyshine 创建的主题 问与答 科目二过了, 开心炸了. 真的要炸了
2019-05-25 03:12:58 +08:00
回复了 charlie21 创建的主题 English 随想:英语里是没有 “皇帝要用金锄头” 这种俚语的
答:等以后如果财务自由了,就回国专去那些 996 的公司,然后每天认真工作八小时到点下班周末手机关机,要是被裁了就换下一家继续
2019-05-24 12:58:14 +08:00
回复了 fredlee 创建的主题 问与答 文件夹过一段时间就乱的不行,有何好的建议?
定期重装 / 重置系统
2019-05-24 02:28:10 +08:00
回复了 charlie21 创建的主题 iPhone 2019 年的 iPhone 会是大陆地区能买到的最后一代 iPhone 吗?
iPhone 要想在国内进行销售就必须先通过工信部的认证,工信部嘛,按照现在这个形势 恐怕很为难
2019-05-24 01:31:00 +08:00
回复了 qdwang 创建的主题 问与答 华为新系统有没有可能是基于 Fuchsia
2019-05-21 15:07:49 +08:00
回复了 zy445566 创建的主题 职场话题 从事前端几个月,感觉几年的后端经验要废了,怎么办。
这些公司的人呢 虽然技术水平不高,你一个星期能干完的东西 人家要干一个月,但是 公司本身可以盈利,盈利在于人家玩的都是专利,垄断,闭源
没有什么创业公司或开源项目 ( 这些技术方面的事务 ) 可以撼动他们的地位 ( 市场地位 ) 的
2019-05-21 15:04:14 +08:00
回复了 zy445566 创建的主题 职场话题 从事前端几个月,感觉几年的后端经验要废了,怎么办。
印度人的能力是即使是一个真的萝卜坑也能给你变成假的,你跳进去你就上当了。这甚至是很多洋人不乐意学计算机的真实原因:简单的部分 印度人会搞掉 自己不乐意和印度人在一条船上,难的部分 自己又搞不会。干脆 设一个局,禁止印度人学习 ( 用各种专利、证书等人为手段 —— 已经不是知识学不学得会的问题了,而是根本不让你接触这方面的知识 —— 直接拉高某个行业的新人准入条件 ) 而这个行业里 反而本身都是一些低难度的知识,万幸的是 印度人已经过滤掉了:这是真正的萝卜坑,印度人也无能为力。这里的人是最安全的,不会有 “惊弓之鸟” 的心理 —— 这就是那些高深的技术积淀的大厂的玩法。但实际上,这些大厂往往显得比较养老 google 上海三大养老院,显然,他们的技术水平是早早就废了的
2019-05-21 14:51:13 +08:00
回复了 zy445566 创建的主题 职场话题 从事前端几个月,感觉几年的后端经验要废了,怎么办。
很现实的问题。一个做法是,给自己留作业 创造能使用这些技能的环境 然后自己做和练 —— 操练起来 心里不虚


开叉车的人应该是不会怕自己以前开长途车的经验作废的 —— 否则何必去开叉车呢?好好开长途车不完事了么?

如果它是出于一种 “惊弓之鸟” 的心理,那么 解决它的办法绝对不是全干,而是想办法增益出一种 发现萝卜坑的眼光。萝卜坑是:它可以保证一个萝卜一个坑,你在这里好好做一个萝卜,你就会得到应有的奖励。在萝卜坑里的人,没有 “惊弓之鸟” 的心理

有一些萝卜坑是虚假的,比如宗教 你拜神之后觉得万事无忧,结果公司效益不好呢寒冬时候 该开除你还是开除你。有一些萝卜坑是真实的,比如 ... 一个印尼语教授,全国开印尼语专业的大学 就那么几个,如果你进去了 你这辈子就不用担心了。当然 那又是另一番削尖脑袋挤进去的事 什么证书职称论文该考的该发的都要有。这就是稳固的人类社会。

像印尼语教授 这种职位,老话叫做铁饭碗;像考什么证书职称,老话叫做向人体现含金量;像 一些公司有什么活计招人来做了 做苦力 做完把人开除了,老话叫做骗子公司 [1] 。

一个正常的公司应该为员工提供依托于职业市场的 pathway ( 受到职业市场认可的 pathway:请员工来上班 是求贤若渴,即使公司倒闭了 ( 比如 一个大学撤销了印尼语专业 ) 贤人依旧是贤人,员工也能另谋高就 ( 印尼语教授可以去另一个高校就职 ) ),从而员工纵使有些许不适 是不会有 “惊弓之鸟” 心理的,反而面对未知的未来也心宽体胖。

对自己的要求,向高标准的人看齐;嗅市场的气味,要看看哪个市场乐意养贤人 甚至是半吊子闲人 [2]
对自己的要求,是鹤,对于市场的要求,要去找鸡群;鹤立鸡群,自然不会是 “惊弓之鸟” ,鸡立鹤群 那就麻烦了

[1]: https://www.v2ex.com/t/565738
[2]: 这样的市场,其实也是有问题的,容易被印度人掀翻 https://www.v2ex.com/t/559178#r_7246171

2019-05-20 14:44:30 +08:00
回复了 dwggrv 创建的主题 问与答 为什么给女朋友礼物都是送包,送口红
@dwggrv 了然了然,女孩子也给我送过书,以文会友,很好的。书嘛,就是用来送的 聊表心意
2019-05-20 14:17:44 +08:00
回复了 dwggrv 创建的主题 问与答 为什么给女朋友礼物都是送包,送口红
给人看的:化妆品 口红
给人摸的:健身提臀 丰胸产品



很简单的逻辑,感官刺激 ( 简单 直接 就像动物 ) 来惹起人们

当然,她们这招术在感官退化的人的眼里看来就是无脑,但是你的感官真的退化了吗 ........?


2019-05-19 15:03:40 +08:00
回复了 johnkiller 创建的主题 问与答 如何本地写代码->连接远程开发环境?
aws c9 完事
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