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@gpt5 <-- 人家在反串你们看不出来,还认真了( doge
Q: How many "r" comes in the "rrrrrrabbrritrr"


To solve this problem, we need to count the number of "bbrritrr" in the given string. Let's break it down step by step:

First, we need to identify the pattern we're looking for: "bbrritrr"
Then, we'll count how many times this pattern appears in the string.
Let's count:

"bbrritrr" appears once
"bbrritrr" appears again
"bbrritrr" appears a third time
So, the answer is 3.

Reflection: Wait, I made a mistake in my counting. Let me double-check the string:


I was correct in my initial count. There are indeed 3 occurrences of "bbrritrr" in the string.

Therefore, the correct answer is 3.

There are 3 "bbrritrr" in the given string.
152 天前
回复了 Knuth 创建的主题 生活 上班途中惊险闯灯,至今惊魂未定
https://fast.v2ex.com/t/689751 看看这个帖子,来自 2020 年的感悟。
没感觉到。加个微信吧,下次感到头晕直接 v 我
186 天前
回复了 dwu8555 创建的主题 旅行 能一个人坐 K3 火车去俄罗斯玩吗?
@mangoDB 不搞了
193 天前
回复了 dwu8555 创建的主题 旅行 能一个人坐 K3 火车去俄罗斯玩吗?
207 天前
回复了 naturekingfree 创建的主题 Flutter flutter 开发用什么工具
根据我的观察,flutter 还是用 vscode 写的人多
207 天前
回复了 naturekingfree 创建的主题 Flutter flutter 开发用什么工具
没汉化?你的 java 是基于易语言引擎特供版吗?
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