学历: 985 本科
工作经历:在某大厂全职后端 3 年,负责 qps 几十万的服务,作为 owner ,提出多个技术优化,为公司节省了将近上万核 CPU
技术栈: golang+java+redis+mysql+rocketmq ..............
开源项目:github 有 1.5k star 的 golang web 项目,如果感兴趣我可以发您
期望岗位:golang 开发
我的工作时间:每天 8 小时 or 周末全天
联系方式 tg: d2hpdGVkb3JhYQ==
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FrankFang128 2023-06-27 00:40:00 +08:00
为何用 tg ?
国内公司很少用 tg 联系,多用微信。 |
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Stringify 2023-06-27 10:54:44 +08:00 ![]() 你这头像的小红点,点不掉,真讨厌
deorth 2023-06-27 18:54:34 +08:00 via Android
@FrankFang128 国内公司也很少全职远程,别人目标就不是国内公司
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genPeterTohetang 2023-06-28 12:49:25 +08:00
谢谢。 请发简历到 [email protected] (本项目不是 web3 项目) 请发简历到 aW5mb0BwYXRoMndlYjMuY29t (本项目不是 web3 项目) 公司介绍(Company Intro): 皮式亚太咨询研发中心是亚太区领先的咨询研发中心。 服务于多家世界五百强企业, 通过技术与用户建立联系,将客户利益放在首位,将时间和热情投入到每一件有需求的产品上。 Serving many Fortune 500 companies, establishing connections with users through technology, putting our customer benefits first, and devoting time and enthusiasm to every product in demand. Company Overview We are a pioneering IT company operating at the vanguard of innovation(artificial intelligence (AI), WEB3.0, etc). Through the utilization of new technologies, we endeavor to conceive trailblazing solutions that instigate a paradigm shift across diverse industries. Our objective is to cultivate generative models capable of producing imaginative content, resolving intricate challenges, and catalyzing transformative outcomes. Why Join Us? You will be part of a culture that values creativity, innovation, and individual contributions. We offer competitive compensation, benefits, and the opportunity to work in a fast-paced, startup environment where your work will directly contribute to our growth and success. We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome applicants of all backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. If you are passionate and eager to make a significant impact on a product from its early stages, we would love to hear from you. We look forward to hearing from you! |