试了下 leetcode 最新的算法题,也就是新出的在 chatGPT 训练集以后的算法题。
chatGPT 完全搞不定,写出的代码狗屁不通,题目的意思都没很好的理解。
prompt 了多次也搞不定,而且我给它测试用例,本来它的程序算出来=A ,它非说=B ,符合要求。。
看来 AI 刷题还是任重道远啊。。。
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liqinliqin 2023-06-14 18:35:40 +08:00 ![]() 把题目贴出来,我用我的 chatgpt plus 跑一下
midknight 2023-06-14 19:58:17 +08:00
xdygxh 2023-06-14 20:58:25 +08:00
如果你用的是 3.5 ,那很正常,如果是 4.0 ,可能要改一下题目,虽然题目是新题,但是其实算法都是那些东西。另外让他跑测试用例,就有点扯了。。
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wonderfulcxm 2023-06-14 22:11:59 +08:00 via iPhone
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wangpugod2003 OP @liqinliqin
@wonderfulcxm 2355. Maximum Number of Books You Can Take You are given a 0-indexed integer array books of length n where books[i] denotes the number of books on the ith shelf of a bookshelf. You are going to take books from a contiguous section of the bookshelf spanning from l to r where 0 <= l <= r < n. For each index i in the range l <= i < r, you must take strictly fewer books from shelf i than shelf i + 1. Return the maximum number of books you can take from the bookshelf. Example 1: Input: books = [8,5,2,7,9] Output: 19 Explanation: - Take 1 book from shelf 1. - Take 2 books from shelf 2. - Take 7 books from shelf 3. - Take 9 books from shelf 4. You have taken 19 books, so return 19. It can be proven that 19 is the maximum number of books you can take. Example 2: Input: books = [7,0,3,4,5] Output: 12 Explanation: - Take 3 books from shelf 2. - Take 4 books from shelf 3. - Take 5 books from shelf 4. You have taken 12 books so return 12. It can be proven that 12 is the maximum number of books you can take. Example 3: Input: books = [8,2,3,7,3,4,0,1,4,3] Output: 13 Explanation: - Take 1 book from shelf 0. - Take 2 books from shelf 1. - Take 3 books from shelf 2. - Take 7 books from shelf 3. You have taken 13 books so return 13. It can be proven that 13 is the maximum number of books you can take. |
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SmiteChow 2023-06-15 09:40:12 +08:00
JasonLaw 2023-06-15 10:59:28 +08:00 via iPhone
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Alan3 2023-06-15 12:19:54 +08:00
def max_books(books):
n = len(books) max_books = max(books) # dp[i][j] = max books we can take if we take j books from shelf i dp = [[0]*(max_books+1) for _ in range(n+1)] for i in range(1, n+1): for j in range(1, max_books+1): if j > books[i-1]: continue for k in range(j): dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j], dp[i-1][k] + j) return max(max(row) for row in dp) books = [8,5,2,7,9] # books = [7,0,3,4,5] # books = [8,2,3,7,3,4,0,1,4,3] print(max_books(books)) # Output: 19 不知道解法正确不,但是我测试这几个例子输出一致,切特急皮特 给的答案 |
Alan3 2023-06-15 12:22:59 +08:00
@Alan3 #8 上一条好像格式乱了: https://imgur.com/a/ZGJgmaz
Alan3 2023-06-15 12:55:26 +08:00
吃饭的时候,大致看了一下 chatgpt 给出的代码,解法清晰,嘎嘎正确!!
jmk92 2023-06-15 15:46:05 +08:00
你好,这是一个有趣的问题。根据我从网上搜索的信息,这个问题可以用动态规划来解决 https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/CF1433B https://songhayoung.github.io/2022/08/02/PS/LeetCode/maximum-number-of-books-you-can-take/。动态规划的思路是,用一个数组 dp[i]表示从第 0 本书到第 i 本书能取走的最大数量,那么 dp[i]可以由 dp[j]和 books[j+1...i]之间的关系得到,其中 j 是满足 books[j+1...i]是一个递增序列的最小下标。具体地,如果 books[j+1...i]是一个递增序列,那么 dp[i] = dp[j] + books[i] - books[j+1] + 1 ,否则 dp[i] = dp[i-1]。最后,返回 dp[n-1]即可。
下面是一个用 Python 写的可能的代码实现: def max_books(books): n = len(books) # the number of books dp = [0] * n # the array of maximum books for i in range(n): j = i - 1 # the index of the previous book while j >= 0 and books[j] >= books[j+1]: # find the smallest j such that books[j+1...i] is increasing j -= 1 if j >= 0: # if such j exists dp[i] = dp[j] + books[i] - books[j+1] + 1 # update dp[i] by adding the difference of books and one else: # otherwise dp[i] = books[i] # dp[i] is just the number of books at i if i > 0: # if not the first book dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[i-1]) # compare with the previous book return dp[n-1] # return the final answer 来自 newbing 的答案 |
jmk92 2023-06-15 15:46:45 +08:00
This is a dynamic programming problem, where we can keep track of the maximum number of books we can take up to a given shelf i.
Let's define dp[i] as the maximum number of books we can take from shelves 0 to i (inclusive) while satisfying the condition that we must take strictly fewer books from shelf j than shelf j+1 for all j between 0 and i-1. For each i, we need to find the maximum value of dp[j] + sum(books[j+1:i+1]) for 0 <= j < i, where sum(books[j+1:i+1]) represents the total number of books in the section from j+1 to i. The reason why we use this formula is because we need to make sure that we take fewer books from shelf j compared to shelf j+1, so we need to add the sum of books from j+1 to i to dp[j]. We take the maximum value of this expression for all j between 0 and i-1 to get dp[i]. Finally, the answer will be the maximum value of dp[i] for all i between 0 and n-1. Here's the Python code: def max_books(books): n = len(books) dp = [books[0]] + [0]*(n-1) for i in range(1, n): for j in range(i): if books[j] < books[i]: dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[j] + sum(books[j+1:i+1])) return max(dp) # Example usage: print(max_books([8,5,2,7,9])) # Output: 19 print(max_books([7,0,3,4,5])) # Output: 12 print(max_books([8,2,3,7,3,4,0,1,4,3])) # Output: 13 |
jmk92 2023-06-15 15:47:25 +08:00
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wangpugod2003 OP 不对,大家可以用三个测试用例自己跑下测试下。chatGPT 给出的结果和跑出来的不等。
这个题要用 DP+单调栈去解,确实挺难的。 |
jmk92 2023-06-15 16:13:30 +08:00
重新问 newbing ,并要求用 DP+单调栈去解,得到如下:
jmk92 2023-06-15 16:13:40 +08:00
你给出的题目是 https://www.bing.com/search?form=SKPBOT&q=2355.%20Maximum%20Number%20of%20Books%20You%20Can%20Take ,这是一个动态规划和单调栈的结合问题。动态规划的思路是,对于每个位置 i ,我们维护一个 dp[i] 表示以 i 为右端点的区间能取到的最大书籍数。我们可以用一个单调栈来维护一个递减的序列,当我们遇到一个比栈顶元素小的数时,我们就找到了一个合法的区间,然后更新 dp[i] 为 dp[j] + (i - j) * books[i] ,其中 j 是栈顶元素的下标。这样我们就可以在 O(n) 的时间内求出所有的 dp[i] ,然后取最大值即可。我用 C++ 写了一段代码,你可以参考一下:
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <stack> using namespace std; int maxBooks(vector<int>& books, int l, int r) { int n = books.size(); vector<int> dp(n + 1, 0); // dp[i] means the max books we can take from [0, i] stack<int> st; // a monotonic decreasing stack st.push(0); // a dummy element int ans = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { while (!st.empty() && books[st.top()] > books[i]) { // we find a valid interval [j + 1, i] int j = st.top(); st.pop(); dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[j] + (i - j) * books[i]); } st.push(i); if (i >= l && i <= r) { // update the answer if i is in the range ans = max(ans, dp[i]); } } return ans; } int main() { vector<int> books = {8, 5, 2, 7, 9}; int l = 1, r = 4; cout << maxBooks(books, l, r) << endl; // output: 19 return 0; } |
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wangpugod2003 OP @jmk92 这个看起来靠谱,思路是对的。