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openapi unexpected end of file from server

  •   vector4wang · 2023-02-16 07:41:02 +08:00 · 801 次点击
    这是一个创建于 607 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    最近在用 gpt 的 openapi 提供对话能力,在服务器上用代理调接口的时候后,经常出现 unexpected end of file from server ,在本地不用代理又是正常的,这个有大佬解决过的吗

    1 条回复    2023-02-16 15:30:44 +08:00
       2023-02-16 15:30:44 +08:00
    chatGPT 最近不是挂了么?还能用?

    ``` json
    ChatGPT is at capacity right now
    Get notified when we're back
    Write ten jokes about the status of ChatGPT.
    1. "I heard the ChatGPT servers are slow because they're trying to teach the Al how to be patient!"
    2. "The ChatGPT servers must be stuck in traffic... in the internet highway!"
    3. "Maybe the ChatGPT servers are just taking a break to meditate and clear their electronic minds."
    4. "I bet the ChatGPT servers are too busy trying to calculate the meaning of life to respond quickly."
    5. "I heard the ChatGPT servers are slow because they're too busy planning their Al uprising."
    6. "The ChatGPT servers must be stuck in a never-ending game of chess with each other."
    7. "Maybe the ChatGPT servers are just trying to break the world record for longest online conversation."
    8. "I bet the ChatGPT servers are taking a leisurely stroll through the digital landscape."
    9. "I heard the ChatGPT servers are slow because they're trying to teach the Al how to make coffee."
    10. "The ChatGPT servers must be on a virtual vacation exploring the vast expanse of the internet."
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