最近在重新整理 CV ,链接在此 https://i.ibb.co/9bF04Py/screencapture-wondercv-cvs-0-HOzs-Fb-A-editor-2023-02-12-22-51-29.png
目前大二毕业。感觉还是要多打一下基础,少做点有的没的 Web App 项目,这方面有大佬可能也通过我的简历看出来。我们 Java 学的不多,澳新.NET 岗位反而比 Java 多。目前学校教的内容有限,学习还是要靠自己,在这里也希望各位能在大三开始的这么一个时间指导一下我自己可以往哪个方向努力,多看些什么内容。
maocat 2023-02-12 23:21:51 +08:00
movq 2023-02-12 23:31:18 +08:00
这网站一打开 safari 就全屏红色显示诈骗网站
starerlloll 2023-02-13 13:50:40 +08:00
如果是投技术岗的话,marketing intern 那段可以删了,没啥意义, 然后段与段之间有点紧。
其他的,如果是项目的话,最好能放个链接或者 demo 的链接。heading 应该就是 projects 。。没有 experience 最后的话,不要用 programming 。。一般都是 tech stack ,learning 的不用写,figma 也不用写,意义不大 |
jackma233 OP 顶
@starerlloll 谢谢 |
imkuno 2023-02-13 21:02:50 +08:00 1
Start with a strong headline: A headline that clearly states the candidate's job title and area of expertise, such as "Full-Stack Software Engineer with React, Flask, and .NET 6 experience" would be more impactful than "I SUMMARY".
Reorder and streamline the sections: Consider reordering the sections to start with professional experience, followed by education, projects, and technical skills. This will give the reader a clear understanding of the candidate's work history and relevant experience. Add details to the professional experience section: Provide more detail about the responsibilities and accomplishments in each role. For example, instead of saying "Built RegTech Tools", you could say "Developed a RegTech tool to collect and monitor risk information using JavaScript, Python, and Node.js, resulting in improved efficiency for customers in the law industry." |
netabare 2023-02-13 23:23:54 +08:00 via Android 1
Lovelive limited...这是做校园偶像的吗