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MIT 关于 VR 的这个在线课程怎么样啊?有没有一起组队的,学费可以省 260 刀(11 月 15 开课)

  •   theoriz · 2022-09-29 20:41:18 +08:00 · 1083 次点击
    这是一个创建于 744 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    USD2210 好贵。。

    course link: https://executive-ed.xpro.mit.edu/virtual-reality-augmented-reality

    This eight-week program is ideal for seasoned professionals who want to expand their learning horizons and explore the rapidly growing field of XR technologies.

    Designers: UX/3D UI/interaction designers looking to expand their knowledge base and gain a technical understanding of how computer graphics function (particularly in gaming applications) and advance their careers by learning how to construct a VR environment and build end-to-end XR solutions for client organizations and construct a VR environment

    Leaders & Managers: Industry leaders and managers focused on VR/AR product development who want to have more informed conversations with developers and engineers about improving user experience for existing products and services and offering new innovations

    Developers: Unity developers, app developers, and 3D developers focused on VR/AR apps and experiences who want to expand their technical knowledge of XR technologies and their practical applications, such as learning how to create a complete XR project pitch for their clients

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