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[上海] Intel 招聘Android Framework Engineer、UI development engineer (代友发)

  •   cacoo · 2013-07-26 12:14:04 +08:00 · 4206 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4237 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Email: [email protected]

    Job Description

    Android Framework Engineer - 711978


    Job Description: Your responsibilities as a Software Development Engineer will include but not be limited to: designing, developing and delivering software in Android OS; integrating SW stacks and the hardware platform and ensure enablement of all the uses cases; troubleshoot, debug and resolve all software and platform related issues and ensure their closure at the respective debug forums.


    1. Design and development experience in software middleware.
    2. Proficient in C/C++ or Java programming/Coding
    3. Skillful in Linux system level programming, includes multi-process and multi-thread concepts, know well about IPC mechanisms.
    4. Good problem solving skills. Quick learner, self-motivated to work independently.
    5. Good communication, in both oral and written English.
    6. Android framework development experience with good understanding of Linux kernels is a plus.
    7. Experience in application development is a plus.

    UI Software Engineer — Hadoop - 715660


    The ideal candidate should have a strong sense of responsibility and commitment as well as the ability to work in a fast-paced agile development environment. He/she should also have quick learning skills and strong problem solving skills. The Software Engineer will join a high talented product development team and participate in all phases of development - including technical design, implementation, and quality assurance.
    Work closely with the team members on the development of Intel Manager for Hadoop.
    Develop the cutting edge management tools for Hadoop and related technology.
    Work on the quality assurance of the Intel Hadoop Products.


    Bachelor or master candidate in Computer Science or Software Engineering.
    Strong web development experience.
    Proficient in Javascript and JAVA programming.
    Good communication skills. Proficiency in spoken and written English is preferred.
    Familiarity with JQuery, GWT and SmartGWT is preferred.
    Knowledge of network computing is preferred.
    Experience with commercial web development is a plus.
    第 1 条附言  ·  2013-07-27 10:33:37 +08:00
    新增 招聘 Build and Release team Lead

    Job Description


    Customer Technology Services in the Mobile and Communications Group is looking for a Sr. Build and Release Manager to lead the team in our Top Wireless OEM org.
    In the role of Build and Release team lead you will be accountable for SW releases from Intel to a major handset manufacturer. This position will require software
    development experience along with QA and detailed knowledge of the SW build and release process. To be successful in this position you will need to have excellent
    communication and negotiating skills.

    In this position you will;
    Manage a skilled team with experience from several large projects.
    Design and implement processes and work modes.
    Drive enhancement projects to improve quality and efficiency end to end (From developer to customer).
    Negotiate content and schedule with internal and external customers.
    Be responsible for communication to customer on release topics.
    Ensure a high quality of deliveries and high level of trust at our customers.


    Must have a Master degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalent degree with SW experience.
    Must have 5+ years of experience in SW development for embedded devices.
    Must have experience with SW build planning, continuous integration and releasing.
    Must have experience working with C/C++, scripting. GNU gcc/g++, Linux, Windows, Visual Studio.
    Nice to have; Android, Kernel, Java, Windows.
    3 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2013-07-26 12:25:14 +08:00
       2013-07-26 12:33:37 +08:00
    我不是猎头,留的邮箱是我个人的,我会转给Intel HR朋友。

       2013-07-26 12:40:39 +08:00
    如果大家不放心,可以直接在Intel官网投递,然后Email告诉我一声,我好通知Intel HR的朋友

    Android Framework Engineer

    UI development engineer
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