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apple insider 大包的激活问题

  •   chenlee9876 · 2020-12-03 14:42:27 +08:00 · 422 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1406 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    发邮件咨询了一下 apple insider 的客服,貌似包里的激活码不支持反激活(客服第一次回复),
    稍微有点长,这个怎么折叠啊= =

    Hello, I have not activated yet. Because there are still a few questions I want to clarify.
    1. (Important) In addition to subscription services, does software authorization support system reinstallation and deactivation?
    2. If there is a need for technical problems in the future, do I need to contact you or related software customer support?
    3. If I directly contact the corresponding software customer service, can my order be used as a voucher? Get the after-sales service equivalent to the official website purchase?

    Thanks a lot for answers :)



    Thanks for reaching out!
    Thank you for your purchase.
    Yes, for technical questions/help, it's best to directly reach out to the software provider for expert help.
    You can simply provide to them your activation code/key, and they'll be able to help.
    The licenses are only valid for 1 activation and 1 device, which means that if you will "reset" your device and activate the same license, although it's literally the same device, it won't work due to that above reason.
    Hope this clears things up!
    Let me know if you need anything else. Have a good day! Stay safe and healthy.
    Your Support Hero,


    Hello, thank you very much for your answers, but I am still a little unclear.

    Just as I just upgraded my computer to the latest m1 chip model, but the software I bought, such as crossover, has a limit on the number of activations, but there is no device limit.
    So I want to know if this is feasible?
    Deactivate or retrieve the activation code on my old machine, and then reactivate it on the new machine

    Thanks again:)


    Hi again,

    Thanks for the follow-up!
    Sorry for the confusion.
    No, it won't work. The activation can only be done once.
    The code can only be activated once.
    Hope this clears things up!
    Have a good day!
    Your Support Hero,
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