V2EX = way to explore
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使用buyVM的128m VPS搭建VPN,顺利工作了大概一个星期,之后VPN就无法连接,求问

  •   leiz · 2013-05-27 15:12:03 +08:00 · 5132 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4159 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Mon May 27 15:10:37 2013 : PPTP connecting to server 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx...
    Mon May 27 15:10:37 2013 : PPTP connection established.
    Mon May 27 15:10:37 2013 : PPTP set port-mapping for en0, interface: 4, protocol: 0, privatePort: 0
    Mon May 27 15:10:37 2013 : Using interface ppp0
    Mon May 27 15:10:37 2013 : Connect: ppp0 <--> socket[34:17]
    Mon May 27 15:10:37 2013 : PPTP port-mapping for en0, interfaceIndex: 0, Protocol: None, Private Port: 0, Public Address: xxxxxxx, Public Port: 0, TTL: 0.
    Mon May 27 15:10:37 2013 : PPTP port-mapping for en0 inconsistent. is Connected: 1, Previous interface: 4, Current interface 0
    Mon May 27 15:10:37 2013 : PPTP port-mapping for en0 initialized. is Connected: 1, Previous publicAddress: (0), Current publicAddress b71b0d76
    Mon May 27 15:10:37 2013 : PPTP port-mapping for en0 fully initialized. Flagging up
    Mon May 27 15:11:07 2013 : LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
    Mon May 27 15:11:07 2013 : Connection terminated.
    Mon May 27 15:11:07 2013 : PPTP disconnecting...
    Mon May 27 15:11:07 2013 : PPTP clearing port-mapping for en0
    Mon May 27 15:11:07 2013 : PPTP disconnected

    Mon May 27 15:11:07 2013 : LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests

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