V2EX = way to explore
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linode 账号注册、有哪位好心的朋友能教授一下

  •   xishifendou · 2020-06-15 16:47:26 +08:00 · 549 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1574 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    有国内发行的 VISA 信用卡,本人注册过两次 但是都没有注册成功
    错误提示如下:Thank you for creating your account.

    We recommend the following guides to help get you started:

    Getting Started with Linode
    Linode Beginner's Guide

    Newly created Linode accounts have restrictions on ports 25, 465, and 587. If you'd like to send email from a Linode, first review this guide, then open a ticket with our Support team.

    The Linode Community is a great place to get the answers you are looking for. Many of our customers utilize the Community to ask questions and find solutions while setting up and configuring their Linodes.

    If you haven't previously connected with our Community, you can get started by following these steps:

    Navigate to Linode Community
    Click the green 'Log In' button
    Sign in using your Linode Account information
    Once you are logged in, you will be prompted to create a unique Community display name
    For site migrations, server installs, one-off sysadmin tasks and nearly anything else you need, check out our Professional Services team:
    Professional Services - Linode

    You can also join us via #linode on irc.oftc.net or on webchat:
    IRC Channel - Chat with Linode

    For Linode system status and maintenance updates, please subscribe to our status page:
    Linode Status

    We're happy to have you on board! Please let us know if we can answer any questions.

    Thank you,
    The Linode.com Team
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