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某顶级外资投行 [C++ Developer] , Base 上海,详细信息请联系我微信: 934342311 职位要求: 1. 985/211/海外高校-本/硕 2. 💥划重点的要求,英文要非常好 3. 扎实的计算机基础,包括数据结构和

  •   LucyZhang · 2019-01-22 11:23:45 +08:00 · 1603 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2086 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Job Overview:
    The Fingal Technology team provides a number of services related to the core architecture development, testing, release and deployment of the Fingal analytics pricing libraries. Fingal is the source of pricing analytics for fixed income in the Global Markets division, relied upon by all Fixed Income systems.
    Currently the Shanghai team consists of 6 members delivering programming expertise in an environment of 3.5 million lines of code, primarily C++, written by an active developer base of 70 quantitative analysts.
    In addition to core responsibilities the candidate will also play a role in maintenance of Fingal Infrastructure services such as source code management, testing facilities, and the global application deployment (Build/Test/Release) process.
    We are particularly looking to build expertise in optimizing the quantitative models for Intel CPUs, and possibly GPUs, with emphasis on vectorization. Relevant experience in optimisation tools and coding techniques, or a keen interest which can be demonstrated in this area, is required.

    Responsibilities include:
    • Development and maintenance of the Fingal code-base across multiple operating systems and tool-chains;
    • Development and maintenance of the client language bindings (C++, C#, Java, Python and R) to the Fingal libraries;
    • Contributing to the development of client systems that utilise Fingal technologies, including providing support and expertise to client developers using the Fingal libraries.
    • Ownership, administration, maintenance and extensions of core Fingal Infrastructure services (Subversion, webservers, incident tracking, continuous integration)
    • Strong C++ experience ideally with an emphasis on programs dealing with numerical calculations.
    • Familiarity with debugging and optimisation tools, vectorisation techniques, use of optimised third-party libraries, OpenGL (or CUDA).
    • Some experience in Python, especially in fast numeric methods, and a desire to learn more.
    1 条回复    2019-01-22 11:36:30 +08:00
       2019-01-22 11:36:30 +08:00 via Android
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