这是一个创建于 2316 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
我在 namesilo 提交了转入,转移码验证通过了,然后就一直处于 Pending Reply from Administrative Contact 状态,原文是:
We have emailed the Administrative Contact and are awaiting their approval for your transfer request.
Our system emailed adm_****@whoisprotection.cc as that was the email address found in WHOIS. If you do not have access to that email account, you will need to update WHOIS via your current registrar. Once WHOIS has been updated, click the "Re-Send Admin Email" icon and our system will pull the new email address within 15 minutes. Please check your SPAM folder If the email address is correct, but you still have not received it.
从 24 号提交到现在,中间 namesilo 还通知转入 deadline 时间到,问了代理那边,是不是需要关掉 whois 保护等,他们说不用,就是等。
2 条回复 • 2018-11-09 11:07:57 +08:00
16t 2018-11-09 10:58:02 +08:00
八成是域名保护的问题,你自己试试发邮件到 whois 里查到的邮箱,看看自己能不能收到。如果能收到那就没问题,继续等,如果收不到,那就赶紧关掉域名保护,重新提交就行了。