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Remote Graphic/UI/UX Designer @ LodeStream.com (PT/FT/Project-Based) 远程平面/用户界面/用户体验设计师(兼职/全职/项目制)

  •   lsassistant · 2018-09-09 15:11:36 +08:00 · 1172 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2129 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    LodeStream is a professional web/app development team based out in Seattle, US and Chengdu, China. We're currently looking for Graphic/UI/UX Designer positions to be filled. Please use the form link below to submit your application to us:

    LodeStream是一组带有创业心态的专业技术开发团队(母公司成立于美国西雅图以及子公司在四川成都)。现招聘平面 /用户界面 /用户体验设计师,有兴趣者请点击以下链接提交应聘表单给我们:

    👉 Graphic/UI/UX Designer 平面 /用户界面 /用户体验设计师 (Asia)

    Other positions please visit https://xwiki.lodestream.com/careers or http://xwikicn.lodestream.com/careers. For more info or other questions please contact WeChat ID: lodestreams, or email [email protected].

    其他职位请浏览 https://xwiki.lodestream.com/careershttp://xwikicn.lodestream.com/careers 。欲咨询其他问题请联系微信号:lodestreams,或来函致邮箱: [email protected]

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