微策略(Microstrategy)为现今全球最大的独立 BI 公司,一直处于 BI 行业的技术领先与主导地位。杭州为除美国本土以外最大的研发中心,员工超过 300 人。产品线覆盖企业级 BI,个人 BI,移动 BI 等。
MicroStrategy 推崇快乐工作,快乐生活,自由创新的精英人才文化。公司致力于创建一个珍视员工价值,持续发展员工能力的工作环境,为员工达成个人成就和公司贡献提供公平的机会和条件
为新员工提供为期 6 周的商务智能及产品框架与工程设计培训为新晋管理人员提供“软技能”培训
公司遵循外企文化,平常工作节奏紧张高效,提倡 work life balance,杜绝无谓的加班。人际关系简单朴实,同事之间友善互助。公司福利完善。期待各位大牛的加入。
有意请发送简历至邮箱: yumao@microstrategy.com
邮件标题格式:WEB SE+姓名+V2E
研发 JD (前端,后端-java,c++)
MicroStrategy is looking for creative, talented engineers who are passionate about solving challenging problems and building world-class software. Our platform software empowers users to turn data into insight, and insight into action. As a MicroStrategy Software Engineer, you will use your engineering and problem-solving skills to take this platform to the next level. Whether you love optimizing server-side algorithms, mastering the latest web technologies, or building powerful mobile apps, we have a team, a project and a challenge for you.
Web SE Job Duties (include but not limited to):
· Build sharp, responsive, client-centric web interfaces for data exploration and analysis with Java, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and integrate data from various back-end services.
· Cooperate with UX & UED to match visual design intent.
· Work with Product Owners to analyze, evaluate and refine feature specifications.
· Work with other SEs in product team to deliver valuable features in fast iterations.
· Be responsible for certain part of MSTR product, to maintain its quality, integrity, efficiency, and reusability.
· Coordinate with quality engineers to share design information and provide testing suggestions.
· Create prototypes and experiment with new technologies to resolve technical risk and provide guidance for production development.
· Evaluate and assimilate new technologies and processes with MSTR development platform and process.
· Share knowledge and support fellow team members in an open, collaborative atmosphere.
Java SE Job Duties (include but not limited to):
· Be responsible for certain part of MSTR product, to maintain its quality, integrity, efficiency, and reusability.
· Cooperate with UX & UED to match visual design intent.
· Work with Product Owners to analyze, evaluate and refine feature specifications.
· Work with team mates (SE and QE) to deliver valuable features in fast iterations with high quality.
· Create prototypes and experiment with new technologies to resolve technical risk and provide guidance for production development.
· Share knowledge and support fellow team members in an open, collaborative atmosphere.
C++ SE Job Duties (include but not limited to):
· Develop product features through their entire lifecycle: requirements analysis, design, implementation, unit testing, optimization, maintenance and enhancement.
· Work with Product Owners to analyze, evaluate and refine feature specifications.
· Work with other SEs in product team to deliver valuable features in fast iterations.
· Be responsible for certain part of MSTR product, to maintain its quality, integrity, efficiency, and reusability.
· Coordinate with quality engineers to share design information and provide testing suggestions.
· Create prototypes and experiment with new technologies to resolve technical risk and provide guidance for production development.
· Evaluate and assimilate new technologies and processes with MSTR development platform and process.
· Share knowledge and support fellow team members in an open, collaborative atmosphere.
WEB SE Job Qualifications:
· Bachelor ’ s Degree, Master ’ s Degree, or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field.
· Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
· Proven working experience in web programming.
· A solid understanding of how web applications work including security, cross-browser compatibility, session management, and best development practices
· Adequate knowledge of at least one OOP language, i.e. java, c++, c#, etc.
· Adequate knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3.
· Familiar with at least one JavaScript framework such as ReactJS, AngularJS, ExtJS, Dojo, Backbone, etc.
· Familiar with at least one Javascript Libararies like JQuery, lodash, etc.
· Familari with web app bundlers like Webpack, grunt or gulp is a plus.
· Familiar with NodeJS is a plus.
· Familiar with one Java Web framework such as Struts, Spring is a plus.
· Familiar with Mobile Web App development is a plus
· Familiar with Desktop hybrid web app is a plus.
· Good communication skills in English and the ability to work as part of a team.
Java SE Job Qualifications:
· Bachelor ’ s Degree, Master ’ s Degree, or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field.
· Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
· Proven working experience in web programming.
· Solid understanding of object-oriented design principles, code smells and refactoring.
· A solid understanding of how web applications work including security, cross-browser compatibility, session management, and best development practices
· Adequate knowledge of Java.
· Familiar with Restful API design principles.
· Familiar with Web Server Development and at least one framework, like Jersey, Spring, etc.
· Familiar with at least one Java App Containers, like tomcat, jetty, glassfish, JBoss/WildFly, weblogic, etc.
· Familiar with Java 8 is a plus.
· Familiar with Web front end technologies (HTML, Javascript, CSS) is a plus.
· Good communication skills in English and the ability to work as part of a team.
C++ SE Job Qualifications:
· Bachelor ’ s Degree, Master ’ s Degree, or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field.
· Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
· Solid foundation in computer science fundamentals, including data structures, algorithms and time/space analysis.
· Strong object-oriented design and development skills. Fluency in C++ is highly desirable (if you are Hadoop expert then C++ is not a must have).
· Good communication skills in English and the ability to work as part of a team.
One or more of the following is a plus:
· Multithreaded/concurrent programming experience.
· UNIX/Linux platform experience.
· RDBMS, Hadoop, HBase, HDFS, MapReduce, MPP technologies