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Apple 北京 Maps team 招聘 Maps Test Engineer(外包岗位)

  •   XJ910 · 2017-11-01 14:33:18 +08:00 · 1485 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2533 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    The Maps team is seeking a technical software engineer in test that would like to play a role qualifying maps services. You will help to implement and maintain Apple Maps automation . This position requires a self-motivated individual with strong problem solving skills who can contribute in a dynamic team environment .This is a role for someone with strong technical and responsibilities will include functional testing (automated and ad hoc) of Apple Maps. In this role, your primary focus will be on implement and maintain automation test suites. You will be writing automated suites to test services and find potential software bugs. Additional responsibilities will include ad-hoc release software compatibility testing and function testing.
    The extreme job target is helping to improve quality and user experience for Apple China Maps
    The candidate could adapt fast with new testing tools and testing methodology to cover service/client level testing and sanity tasks.
    1. 软件测试经验 3 年以上,自动化测试经验 2 年以上,有工具开发经验及性能测试经验最佳
    2. 面向对象语言至少掌握一种,Python 最佳
    3. 英语读写熟练,口语可基本沟通
    4. 学习能力强,善于沟通
    5. 方向感强,如果有地图 /GIS 行业工作经验更佳

    工作地点:北京市朝阳区建外大街 IFC 大厦(地铁一号线永安里站下车即是)距离国贸一站地
    底薪 10K--18K,五险一金全额缴纳,双休+年假+几乎不加班

    有意者简历可发送至 [email protected]
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