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V2EX  ›  酷工作

语音行业巨头 Nuance 上海诚招语音信号处理研发软件工程师~

  •   tiantianjin · 2017-08-29 10:51:17 +08:00 · 1642 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2598 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    SSE Research Engineer

    Conduct research and development on speech signal processing for mobile, TV, and automotive applications. Create new solutions on speech enhancement and noise reduction for VUI system in various environments. Provide customer support regarding signal enhancement for speech communication and ASR in automotive, mobile and home applications.
    Analysis of customer requirements, Porting of an existing SW library of algorithms for speech enhancement on different processor platforms, and conduct optimization and tuning of algorithms and parameters according to customer requirements. Also conduct innovation research for solutions using ASR technology in different areas

    Background knowledge and hands-on experiences on signal processing technologies. Especially familiar with speech signal processing, speech enhancement, and noise reduction
    Good knowledge on acoustic echo cancellation, beamforming and noise reduction technology
    Proficiency in programming skills (C/C++)
    .Native spoken and written Mandarin
    Excellent communication skills; English fluency, both spoken and written
    Ability to manage tasks and deliverables for simultaneous projects
    Ability to work well both independently and within a team

    简历投递: [email protected]
    1 条回复    2017-08-31 15:12:23 +08:00
       2017-08-31 15:12:23 +08:00
    信号处理相关等或者 C/C++扎实的小伙伴都投递简历吧~
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