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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[上海招聘] 外企招聘 Node.js 工程师 入职年假 工资美丽 不加班

  •   susiewang · 2017-08-25 15:57:15 +08:00 · 1429 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2602 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    公司位于上海市中心淮海路附近法租界 交通方便 灵活工时不打卡 技术氛围好 (www.mobilenowgroup.com) 欢迎自荐发送简历到:[email protected]

    We are a mobile solutions development studio, with a focus on custom work across all mobile platforms; whether native, H5 and WeChat, including mCommerce and CRM integration. Set up in 2009; hubbing out of Shanghai, Changsha, Hangzhou and Singapore. We have a full service mobile team of 50 and provide consultancy through to UX and UI design, as well as development across the key mobile platforms. To date we have successfully rolled out more than 100 projects for wide range of clients including; Richemont, Michael Kors, Lane Crawford LVMH, H&M, Accor, Beaumanoir Group, Jones Lang LaSalle, Red Bull, Heineken, Yum, Speed Racer, Kent, FANCL, Ford, ADEO, GreenPeace, Lonely Planet and Standard Chartered.

    Shanghai office Address: No. 218 Xiang Yang South Lu (near Fuxing Lu). Building A, Room 503, Shanghai, China 200031

    The Role: We are looking for Node.js Developers who pride themselves on delivering high- quality work in the mobile space. If you strive for new challenges and have the desire to join a leading mobile company with an active, interesting and dynamic culture, then we ’ d love to hear from you.

    Responsibilities include but not limited to:

    • Responsible for building the server-end of mobile web apps with Node.js
    • Participate in the whole product design

    Key requirements:

    • Must have at least 1-2 years of work experience in Node.js development.
    • Solid programming ability
    • Have experience in common framework and tools, such as Strongloop/Express/Koa etc.
    • Familiar with at least 1 database system, such as MySql/PostgreSQL/Mongodb
    • Experience with ElasticSearch/Redis/Docker is a plus
    • Have experience in Restful API and micro-service
    • Able to analyze and solve problem independently, and willing to learn and try new things
    • Experience with working in Agile is a plus
    • Knowledge with HTML5, CSS3, OOP, JavaScript, AngularJS, VueJS, ReactJS, LESS, SASS is a plus
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