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V2EX  ›  酷工作

语音行业巨头招聘 ASR 研发工程师 - 上海

  •   tiantianjin · 2017-08-23 10:37:10 +08:00 · 1710 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2604 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Research Engineer

    Conduct research and development on speech recognition for mobile, TV, and automotive applications. Create new solutions on embedded ASR for VUI system in various environments. Provide customer support of ASR in automotive, mobile and home applications.

    Representative tasks will include:
    • Develop algorithms for wake-up word recognition.
    • Conduct performance improvement on far-talk speech recognition.
    • Research and develop speech solutions for various speech recognition tasks.
    • Develop tools and test grammars for various applications.
    • Develop demos and products on various HW/SW platforms like android, Linux, QNX devices.
    • Development and maintenance of relevant processes for the use in production on key projects at Nuance.

    MS/PhD in speech recognition, computer science, EE, math or related field.
    Strong algorithmic and software skills.
    Accomplished coder – can realize research ideas effectively.
    Experience on running accuracy experiments and systematically improving performance.
    C/C++ programming skills, script programming (Bash/Python/Matlab/Perl).
    Native speaker of Chinese.
    Fluent English communication, good communication skills.
    Self-driven and diligent for solving real world problems.
    Team work spirit.

    Preferred skills:
    • Experience in building speech recognition system.
    • Solid machine learning background and familiar with standard speech and machine learning techniques.
    • Scientific thinking and the ability to invent, a track record of thought leadership and contributions that have advanced the field.

    简历投递: [email protected]
    欢迎编程功底棒 对我们感兴趣的应届生小伙伴~
    2 条回复    2017-08-28 17:14:06 +08:00
       2017-08-28 15:36:35 +08:00
    it is suprised nuance offer jobs in china, I will try joining yours(I am a speech recognition researcher, graduate lately )
       2017-08-28 17:14:06 +08:00
    @wmanhong Look forward to your resume! :)
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