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[ Tech Leader]硅谷顶尖 VR 公司-70 万~100 万-上海

  •   itrecruit · 2017-05-01 19:47:43 +08:00 · 2095 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2706 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    [ Tech Leader ]硅谷顶尖 VR 公司-70 万~100 万-上海

    Send CV to : [email protected] or WeChat: janelj78

    Company background: U.S Silicon Valley company (a lot of cooperation with google, YouTube and Disney) just entered China. It is the leading developer of the hardware, software, tools, and applications to enable cinematic VR and put the power of virtual reality in the hands of today ’ s best content creators. China company is funded by CMC and SMG. Company business is VR content and technology. 和中国顶尖互联网公司,政府都有业务合作。

    Salary: Base: 70 万~100 万

    Location: 南京西路地铁口附近

    Current status: Current total 15 people in China, 100 people in US

    The Role

    The ideal candidate is an engaged, accountable, results-oriented & detail-driven individual with significant experience in software and/or system engineering program management, someone who is not afraid to call out disconnects, or roll up their own sleeves to get the job done.

    good Education background, from top university
    good coding skills, can be C++, java, C# or C
    speaks good English
    6 years+ experience in team management, good leadership
    experience in Unity 3D, or Mobile platform is a plus.
    Prefer but not limited to candidate backgrounds in Video or Gaming companies.

    Interview process: face to face interview with line manager and then video or phone with global team
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