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autodesk 调查活动,赠送500美金的amazon gift card

  •   avatasia · 2012-04-26 13:44:50 +08:00 · 3068 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4450 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Autodesk is experimenting with a new license targeting mobile developers including those using the Unity game engine and we would like your opinion…
    With the mobile game industry continuing its rapid expansion, Autodesk is experimenting with a new license targeting mobile developers including those using the Unity game engine. We are inviting customers to give their opinions on how this license should be structured. Your opinions will play an important role in determining our future offerings so we greatly appreciate your time.
    As a token of our appreciation, all those who complete the survey will automatically be entered into a prize drawing to win one of five (5) Amazon gift vouchers each worth $200.



    为感谢您的参与,所有完成调查的受访者将自动参与抽奖活动,有机会赢取价值 200 美金/1,261人民币 的亚马逊代金券,代金券共计五(5)份。

    1 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2012-04-26 14:01:24 +08:00
    prize drawing to win one of five (5) Amazon gift vouchers each worth $200.先不说只有200美金,难道你觉得自己抽得到?
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