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[社招] [Red Hat] 诚招 Software Engineer - Rule Development

  •   redhatjob · 2016-12-22 15:50:24 +08:00 · 1787 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2923 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

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    Company description

    At Red Hat, we connect an innovative community of customers, partners, and contributors to deliver an open source stack of trusted, high-performing solutions. We offer cloud, Linux, middleware, storage, and virtualization technologies, together with award-winning global customer support, consulting, and implementation services. Red Hat is a rapidly growing company supporting more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies.

    Job summary

    The Red Hat Insights team is seeking a Software Engineer to join us in Beijing, China and contribute to Red Hat's latest industry-leading, SaaS-based modern infrastructure management product that proactively detects problem with and optimize the deployment of Red Hat Product Portfolio. In this role, you will contribute value to Red Hat's customers through working with talented engineers, product owners, and Red Hat domain experts from all around the world. We'll need you to be proactive, creative, motivated, a fast learner, and have the ability to work in a fast-paced, distributed environment.

    Primary job responsibilities

    Conduct deep dives into a complicated Linux issues through reading k-base documentation, analyzing problem records, reproducing the issues, and creating problem scenarios

    Collaborate with subject matter experts to find known problematic product configurations, environments, or usages

    Implement configuration analysis rules within proactive diagnostics system to identify problematic configurations in customer systems

    Actively participate in product design, team discussion, product development, and product documentation

    Communicate with other internal stakeholders to obtain more requirements for the product

    Collaborate with other developers across different regions

    Required skills

    Bachelor ’ s degree in computer science, software engineering, or a technology-related discipline is preferred

    Deep technical Linux knowledge in one or more of the following spheres: Linux kernel, Linux filesystem, networking, storage, virtualization, OpenStack, or Docker

    2-3 years of object-oriented software development experience

    Python, C, C++, or Shell development experience

    Effective English communication skills, both verbal and written

    Effective troubleshooting and debugging skills

    Active participation in open source software projects is an advantage

    Experience interacting and supporting customers is a plus

    Experience with Jupyter Notebook or Python Pandas is an advantage

    Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) is a plus

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