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Mac OS X 下安装iodine

  •   iyuyue · 2012-03-29 16:17:55 +08:00 · 4164 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4576 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    从官网下载了iodine的安装包,发现里面只有一个Makefile文件是与安装相关的,没有configure文件,一下就不知道怎么安装了...make install各种尝试无果后向各位求教~~ 抱歉..
    2 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2012-03-29 16:56:52 +08:00
    某之前用homebrew装的,就一句brew install iodine齐活。osx下常用命令行还是找个ports站队吧。
    从rb看,就是那一句make install而已啊。这个程序目录结构简单,也没有什么依赖(tun/tap依赖也是直接依赖设备),用不着configure的。在解压后的目录make,目标文件就在bin里,一个客户端一个服务器。
    还是不行的话贴出error log好了。
       2012-03-29 17:11:41 +08:00
    Opened /dev/tun0
    Opened UDP socket
    Sending DNS queries for fdns.iyuyue.net to
    Autodetecting DNS query type (use -T to override)..Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    .Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    .Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    .Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    ...Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    .Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    .Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    .Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    ...Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    .Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    .Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    .Got empty reply. This nameserver may not be resolving recursively, use another.
    Try "iodine [options] ns.fdns.iyuyue.net fdns.iyuyue.net" first, it might just work.
    iodine: No suitable DNS query type found. Are you connected to a network?
    iodine: If you expect very long roundtrip delays, use -T explicitly.
    iodine: (Also, connecting to an "ancient" version of iodined won't work.)
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