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Yo-ren 招聘 高级前端工程师

  •   yoren2011 · 2015-08-04 17:34:47 +08:00 · 1314 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3255 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    职责 Job Description
    负责运用在ECMAScript 6, CSS3和关于SVG的知识,在所有的平台上创造完美的用户体验。和UI/UX设计师一边交流一边为用户创造更好的用户体验。高级前端工程师同时需要研究和评估新的前端框架,例如在github上。
    Responsible of creating wonderful user experience on the font-end side on all platform ( PC, Mobile, Application ) with extensive knowledge of ECMA6 Script, CSS3 and SVG. Not only Engineering skills are preferred, also aesthetic appreciation to a certain level is also preferred. People at this position will be able to provide clear feed back to UI/UX designers on usability and awareness. The Senior front end engineer will also be able to do independent research and design the main front end structure with different framework / technology.

    职位需求 Requirements
    - 具备ECMA6Script的知识
    - 懂CoffeeScript是加分项
    - 熟悉Backbone.js 或者是 Angular.js的开发
    - 会使用Bower / Yeoman / Gulp 等等进行自动化开发
    - 非常熟悉CSS3
    - 知道去哪里搜索问题
    - Knowledge of ECMA6Script.
    - Knowledge of CoffeeScript is a plus.
    - Extensive knowledge on Backbone.js / Angular.js.
    - Knowledge on using Bower / Yeoman / Gulp / etc
    - Extensive CSS3 Knowledge
    - Extensive knowledge on HTML5 Mobile Compatibility.
    - Knowing where to search.
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    ♥ Do have faith in what you're doing.