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Tiktok 新加坡 有 EP Backend Software Engineer - Customer Service Platform

  •   junqiangwen · 44 天前 · 1378 次点击
    这是一个创建于 44 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Tiktok 新加坡 有 EP Backend Software Engineer - Customer Service Platform

    About Our Team The Customer Service Platform (CSP) is a team that integrate the product technology resources of the company's internal customer service system. Our mission is to provide users with efficient self-service solutions and provide agents with convenient tools so as to improve customer service experience.

    1. Responsible for the product planning, goal setting, and strategy breakdown of the international e-commerce customer service system for ByteDance's customer service platform.
    2. Familiar with customer service operations, leveraging the capabilities of large models to enhance resolution and handling efficiency through AI-assisted agents.
    3. Develop product solutions to address identified issues and collaborate closely with algorithm, customer service, operations, research and development teams to implement these solutions and achieve business objectives.
    Minimum Qualifications
    1. Bachelor's degree or above, majoring in computer science, educational technology, or related fields preferred.
    2. At least 3 years of experience in strategy products such as voice, NLP, including but not limited to intelligent dialogue, LLM, AIGC, and other areas.

    Preferred Qualifications
    Practical experience in intelligent assistance for customer service or international e-commerce business products is preferred.
    Possess strong market insight, data analysis skills, clear logical thinking, and team collaboration spirit. Able to integrate resources from various parties to achieve product objectives with good innovation awareness.
    ByteDance is committed to creating an inclusive space where employees are valued for their skills, experiences, and unique perspectives. Our platform connects people from across the globe and so does our workplace. At ByteDance, our mission is to inspire creativity and enrich life. To achieve that goal, we are committed to celebrating our diverse voices and to creating an environment that reflects the many communities we reach. We are passionate about this and hope you are too.

    3 条回复    2024-11-14 15:50:56 +08:00
       44 天前

    带上简历 & 自我介绍哈

    公司提供 EP ,团队不卷,福利满满
       43 天前
    现在 EP 是不是很严格了
       43 天前
    @zshstc 打分机制
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