V2EX = way to explore
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「远程全职」美国数据服务平台招聘 Frontend Developer, 360k - 400k CNY/year

  •   Brixlabs · 37 天前 · 2664 次点击
    这是一个创建于 37 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    • 该岗位是由雇主使用 AI 招聘工具 Brix Recruiter 自主生成和开放招聘的岗位;
    • 该岗位信息均通过 Brix 平台真实性验证;
    • 简历投递直达雇主;
    • 该岗位具体面试进度流程,岗位开放时间均由雇主在平台上自主操作;
    • 该岗位由 Brix 专业 HR 团队辅助推进招聘流程。
    • Brix 的角色:作为跨境远程团队的基础设施搭建平台,会帮公司和雇员解决跨国法务 /税务等合规性问题。

    关于 Brix 的更多信息见:


    • App Performance: Ensure the App consistently achieves a response time of less than 1 second.
    • Maintain Code Quality: Achieve over 90% test coverage for robust and reliable code.
    • Feature Development: Deliver 2-3 new user-centric features per quarter.
    • Collaboration: Work with cross-functional teams to integrate APIs within two weeks of availability.
    • Optimization: Reduce page load times by 20% through efficient coding practices.
    • User Experience: Implement responsive designs that enhance usability across various devices.


    • Education background: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field
    • Experience: Proven experience with React and Next.js,Experience with HTML5/CSS/SASS,Familiarity with Ant Design and Element UI,Experience with Tailwind CSS is a plus
    • Technical skills: Proficient in React and Next.js,Expertise in HTML5/CSS/SASS,Skilled in using Ant Design and Element UI,Experience with Tailwind CSS preferred
    • Soft skills: Strong problem-solving abilities,Excellent communication and teamwork skills,Adaptability in a fast-paced environment,Attention to detail

    Brix 工程师的一手工作体验

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