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产品经理 [22-25k] 外企 可远程

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  •   jojochan1013 · 52 天前 · 1586 次点击
    这是一个创建于 52 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    加 V 内推:Ace151314

    Role description

    We are looking for an experienced Business Analyst / Product manager who can support our efforts in deploying and adjusting the core Xometry platform (in-house built) in mainland China to kick off and grow the business there. With us, you will get extremely hands-on experience in the emerging industry 4.0 environment by managing a very fast startup inside the world market leader organization. You will be supported by a highly professional and motivated team of professionals and be embraced with highly respectful and multicultural corporate culture gently combining the best of US, European, Russian and Chinese worlds.

    This position is full-time and includes active feature ownership: we expect the person in this position to control all knowledge about our ERP and back-office processes, including Sales, Order processing, Operations & Finance.
    Who are we?

    Xometry (NASDAQ: XMTR) is the world’s largest on-demand production platform that is disrupting the manufacturing industry. Through our platform, companies have the chance to easily obtain quotations and order parts for their production needs. Our international network of over 6,000 production partners enables us to offer a wide range of processing technologies: CNC processing, sheet metal processing, 3D printing and others. We deliver the final parts after a strict quality assurance process and our customers can always track the status of their requests. Xometry’s customers include BMW, Bosch, Dell Technologies, General Electric and NASA.

    The core platform

    The XomEU core platform (ERP + Customers front + Suppliers front) is 100% in-house built, tightly integrated with many 3rd party cloud-based services Currently, the European Technology team is slightly more than 50 people.

    Now the key objective for this role is to support platform deployment for the mainland China team and to help the China team adapt the platform to full scale Xometry business there.


    ● Core responsibility: the rollout & adaptation of Xometry platform features for the China branch
    ● Help knowledge sharing between EU Tech team (initial developers of the platform) and China business unit (business stakeholders and Tech support team)
    ● Analyze, discuss processes, workflows and software usage with stakeholders, help the EU team to better
    understand the requirements of Chinese stakeholders and come up with solutions (mockups, specs,
    tickets, etc.) and improvements.
    ● Build no-code/low code tools & prototypes with tools like Retool.
    ● Coordinate features development, testing, rollout and colleagues acknowledgement about updates.
    Successful candidate has
    ● 3+ years of experience in business analysis and product management with proven records of successfully achieved goals in business-improvements in growing digital businesses IS A MUST.
    ● Product and business sense. Strong advantage will be industrial experience or long-term project deployment in at least one of the following areas:
    ○ Uber-like on-demand marketplace services
    ○ ERP or similar systems integrations
    ● Strong communication and interpersonal skills to exercise power without authority.
    ● Strong presentation and training skills.
    ● Solid technical expertise, including:
    ○ being able to provide UI mockups based on existing design system;
    ○ good understanding of the web dev stack;
    ○ being able to work with data (SQL queries).
    ● Solid English and Chinese language skills
    ● Ready to work in a startup environment with continuously evolving goals.
    ● English (Our organization primary language)
    ● Chinese
    3 条回复    2024-10-08 14:38:59 +08:00
       41 天前
    请问可远程是 可以一周五天都在家远程吗?还是每周必须回公司上班
       36 天前
    请问一下 工作市区是中国时区吗 谢谢
       3 天前 via iPhone
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