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[Remote] GPU Development &Compiler Engineer

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  •   FreeCodeWu · 62 天前 · 1813 次点击
    这是一个创建于 62 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Company Overview:

    Apus Network ( https://www.apus.network) is trustless GPU network is designed for secure, efficient, and scalable AI inference, provides necessary computing power for AI. Our team is comprised of serial entrepreneurs and investors, and former employees of Microsoft, Alibaba, and Didi.

    Job Responsibilities:

    1. Design, Develop, and Maintain Compiler Toolchains: Focus on clang/llvm compiler toolchains targeting GPUs.
    2. Optimize GPU Programs: Enhance performance and efficiency of GPU operations.
    3. Collaborate and Communicate: Work closely with hardware and software teams to resolve engineering issues.
    4. Develop and Optimize GPU Compilers: Responsible for front-end and back-end development of compilers.


    1. Educational Background: Master’s degree or higher in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, Communications, or related fields. Graduates from 211 or 985 universities are preferred.
    2. Work Experience: At least 3 years of relevant experience in GPU compilers.
    3. Technical Skills:
      • Proficient in basic compiler principles and optimization techniques.
      • Skilled in programming languages such as C, C++, or Python.
      • Proficient in software development tools, such as Git and Linux.
    4. Problem-Solving and Communication Skills: Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, along with excellent communication skills.

    Preferred Qualifications:

    1. Assembly Language Familiarity: Knowledge of CUDA PTX assembly instructions or AMDGPU assembly instructions.
    2. Architecture Knowledge: Familiarity with CUDA architecture and Tensor Core architecture.
    3. GPU Programming Models: Knowledge of CUDA, HIP, OpenCL, OpenMP, and other programming models.
    4. Technical Expertise: Understanding of GPU thread synchronization, memory consistency, and related technologies.
    5. Optimization Experience: Practical experience in optimizing GPU Kernel programs.

    Want to join our mission to help shape the future of the DePIN + AI field?

    • phoebe#apus.network is an email address, replace # with @.
    • jason#apus.network is an email address, replace # with @.
    • Include the role's title in your subject line.
    • Please send along links that best showcase the relevant things you've built and done.
    1 条回复
       62 天前
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