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[新加坡][技术移民机会] 新加坡互联网大厂,资深数据工程师职位

  •   sophiayao · 69 天前 · 1711 次点击
    这是一个创建于 69 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Senior Engineer, Data Engineer
    Job Description
    Collaborate with operations team to collect, extract, model, mine and analyse data
    Build and develop data platform infrastructure and platforms, including data warehouses, algorithm platforms, BI platforms, experimental platforms etc.
    Handle massive data processing and build efficient data pipelines on distributed clusters
    Keep up with the latest technological advancements in relevant fields and explore new technology applications

    Job Requirements
    Bachelor’s degree or above in Computer Science or a related field
    4 to 10 years of experience as data engineer or equivalent
    Must be familiar with big data development technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka. Familiarity with Flink is a good-to-have.
    Strong programming skills, proficient in at least one programming language such as Java, Scala, Python and familiarity with Linux platform
    Familiar with dimensional modeling theory for data warehouses and experience with building data warehouse
    Sensitive to data and keen on using data to drive business and support decision-making
    Good communication skills, self-motivation and quick learning abilities

    需求中英文流利(有英文面试),技术栈:Must: Hadoop/Kafka/Spark ,Good to have: flink
    预算月薪 8-10K 新币( 4-5 万人民币)+纽交所上市股票
    公司提供 EP (新加坡工作准证)及优渥大厂待遇( 18 天年假,优良办公环境等)

    感兴趣请联系 WeChat:sophia_liu611
    Email: [email protected]
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