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[远程]美国公司 招 手机端开发(Flutter)

  •   xcmkxcmk81 · 94 天前 · 8252 次点击
    这是一个创建于 94 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    About the Role

    Company website: https://worldexlab.com/ We are a stealth startup, headquartered in the Bay Area, USA, building AI software & hardware in the education space. (company website). We are a small and high caliber team, with education from CMU, UCLA, Tsinghua University, and industrial experiences from Google, Facebook, Airbnb, Uber, and Tome AI.

    Our mission is to raise healthier, smarter humans, by building innovative AI-native products, tailored for children’s education and development. You will be one of the first few engineers, reporting directly to our co-founder and CTO. This role is fully remote. Base in Shenzhen, Shanghai or Beijing is a plus.


    Implement new product features, such as interactive AI applications, image generation, image processing, recommendations, parent control app. Set up and optimize audio streaming between server and mobile client. Set up integration with third-party AI services including text to speech, large language models and speech recognition. Set up and improve foundations (monitoring, observability, crash reporting, bug tracking, testing, CI/CD). Build internal tooling.


    Minimum qualifications

    2+ years of professional software development experience. Experiences with Flutter and Android preferred. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related fields. Written communication skills in English.

    Preferred qualifications

    5+ years of professional software development experience. Experience with AI applications (LangChain or other LLM integrations) is a plus. Fullstack / End-to-end development experience (Backend plus Mobile) is a plus. Fluid written and verbal communication in English.


    The exact compensation will be determined based on experience, interview performance, location and other factors. The expected base salary range for this position is $2,500 ~ $5,000 per month. The expected equity range for this position is 0.1 ~ 0.2%.

    Benefits & Perks

    Unlimited time off. Standard insurance and retirement fund. Sponsored business travel to the U.S. Contacts Please send intro and add v to: MTMzOTA5MDIyNjY=

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