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A Viking Name Generator

  •   charliesimmon · 198 天前 · 1076 次点击
    这是一个创建于 198 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    I've observed a niche interest in Viking names within the American market, with minimal to no demand in other regions and languages. Despite this, I've embarked on creating a multilingual page dedicated to this topic, but the project is still in its early stages. I'm open to any suggestions for enhancements and curious to know if there's a broader audience out there who shares a passion for Viking culture.

    Website Link: VikingNameeGenerator.com
    3 条回复
       198 天前
    First at first, you typed wrong address and I'm guessing the correct one is vikingnamegenerator.com .

    As far as I know, many DND enthusiasts would be glad to have their character get a little nordic flavour. So if the generator provide a AI-generated character background outline would be nice. His/Her home village, favourite weapon, battle style, pets, family or tribe, etc. An AI-art portrait, maybe, if you got the style right.

    Not sure if gpt can design a sigil...
       198 天前
    Thank you Sooooo much!!! I am too nervious to post my website here for the first time. I really appreciate your remind and advice. I am actually planning to write a second page especially for AI-generated character background outline. There are some templates and I will try it and reply here later. Thank you again!
       196 天前
    @sunamask Hi, I spent two days to add a the AI-generated function: ai.VikingNameGenerator.com, now you may try it! As for the AI-art portrait, I will try to do it next week with a new subdomain! Hope you like it if you may check! More pleasure if you could reply
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