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@andytao 有免费 7 天试用期的哈,可以下载使用的
@youngce 我们直接提供 ai 功能哈
@GeekGao 正在努力中,会有更多细节陆续上线
@bfjm 正在努力,下一版会更稳
@qieqie 您好,我们是全球首款支持 DuckDB 的 AI 数据库 GUI 工具哈
🛠️ A New Era of Data Technology —— Explore Innic, the World's First AI Database GUI for DuckDB
🔌 Innovative Connection, Intelligent Management —— Innic GUI Redefines DuckDB Database Operations, Marking a New Era in Database Management Welcome to Innic, the world's first graphical user interface specially tailored for DuckDB databases. We proudly announce that the art of data management has entered a new era.
🔑 Innovative Advantages at a Glance:
- Pioneering GUI: Innic is the first graphical user interface to support DuckDB, leading the new trend in database interaction.
- User-Centric Design: An intuitive operation interface that simplifies complex database tasks, making them easy to understand.
- Seamless Cross-Platform Experience: Whether on Windows, macOS, or Linux, Innic provides a consistent and efficient experience.
- Data Security: Employing industry-standard encryption technology ensures the security and privacy of data.
- Advanced Data Visualization: Innovative data presentation methods make data analysis results more intuitive and clear.
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Integrated query builders, editors, and debugging tools enhance development efficiency.
💡 Intelligent Management, the Professional Choice:
- One-Click Connection: The world's first AI database GUI tool for DuckDB, offering one-click quick connection to databases, simplifying the operational process.
- Work Efficiency: Optimized database connections and query executions significantly improve data processing speed and business response capabilities.
- Technology Popularization: Lowering the technical barrier allows all users to easily manage DuckDB databases.
🎈 Limited-Time Offer, Experience Cutting-Edge Technology:
- New User Experience: The first 2024 registered users will enjoy a 7-day free trial, experiencing the perfect combination of Innic and DuckDB.
- Subscription User Discount: Enjoy a 25% discount for the first 6 months of the subscription service, making intelligent management economical and affordable.
- Discount for All Users: Join the Innic family and immediately enjoy a 25% discount on services, making intelligent management within reach.
- Limited Quantity Discount Code: Use the discount code [A3NTY2MQ], first come first served, start your journey of intelligent database management.
📆 Discount Code Validity Period: From August 8, 2024, 00:00 UTC to September 8, 2024, 00:00 UTC.
🚀 Join the Ranks of Innic Intelligent Database Management Now:
- Visit innicdata.com to download Innic and experience the unique charm of the world's first DuckDB GUI.
- Join our community and explore the infinite possibilities of data with data experts from around the world.
- Official Website: https://www.innicdata.com/
- Social Media:
- Zhihu: https://www.zhihu.com/people/innicdata
- Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/innicdata/shared_invite/zt-2i95v0wuu-iVUVhDqzRa8UFjNHx540XQ
- Discord: https://discord.gg/YwpmBqyb
@laoxiong 三克油
@laoxiong 我们这是初版,会不断改进的
@root71370 @looo 改进中,老板等下一版哦
@ck65 We will continue to optimize our products and subscription plans, thank you for your feedback.
@forgottencoast 谢谢老板喜欢,下个版本会更好💪🏻
@x86 下个版本会优化的,谢谢反馈
@Guaderxx 尽快更新下一版,产品介绍必须安排
@nagisaushio 谢谢老板喜欢
@typedefine 评估中
@ShuWei 改进中,很快会更新哈
@lightionight 产品对比介绍会在下个版本中呈现,多谢反馈
@LittleYangYang 谢谢反馈,改进中
谢谢大家的反馈,ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )比心
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